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How to paginate your Sails APIs

Kelvin Omereshone

Returning a large amount of data in a dataset(say 50,000 rows from your database) to a client at a time is not ideal as this will be overbearing on the user as he/she will have too much information to consume at a time. Doing so also results in a poor user experience as the user will have to wait for your API to return all 50,000 data(imagine your user has a slow connectivity at the time. That’s UX nightmare!)

What is pagination

Imagine you are creating a Twitter API clone and you have an endpoint to return all tweets. Pagination happens when you return a subset of the tweets(lets say 20 tweets at a time) each time that endpoint is hit until you have returned the entire tweets. This subset, is called a page and for each page, we will skip tweets that was in previous pages.

Benefits of paginating APIs

Better user experience

Imagine Google returns all 500,000 results matching your search query at once! That’s definitely going to be unnecessary as you most surely won’t want to go through all 500,000 of them.

Pagination helps your content get to the client quicker which in turn allow your users to have a better experience with your application.

Makes room for Client side pagination techniques and implementations

When you paginate your APIs, it makes it easy for the client to implement pagination techniques like infinite loading(The technique social websites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram uses), a more traditional pagination technique with the Next and Previous links, or a numbered pagination implementation.


Now that we’ve gone over what pagination is and why it is important, let’s see how we can paginate our Sails APIs.

Method 1 - Give the client the flexibility to determine page size

In this implementation, you let the client determine how many records it wants per requests. So here is how we will do it in Sails using the Waterline ORM. Still using our Twitter clone API analogy, say we have an API returning the tweets and we have a Tweet model. So in the action returning the tweets our database have, we will implement the action similar to the one below:

// api/controllers/tweet/get-tweets.js
module.exports = {
  friendlyName: "Get Tweets",

  description: "Returns all tweets",

  inputs: {
    skip: {
      type: "number",
      description: "Indicate the number of tweets to skip before returning the results.",
      required: true,
    limit: {
      type: "number",
      description: "Set the maximum number of tweets to retrieve",
      required: true
  exits: {
    success: {
      statusCode: 200,
  fn: async(inputs, exits) {

      // fetch paginated tweets from the database
       const tweets = await Tweet.find()
        .sort([{createdAt: 'DESC'}])

        // Construct the payload to send back to the user
         const payload = {
            data: {

        // Return payload as response
        return exits.success(payload)

If you don’t yet understand actions2, do go over Migrating your Sails actions to actions2

Let’s look at what we are doing in the above actions:

  1. We are telling the action to expect two inputs: skip and limit. The skip input will be used to tell Waterline how many tweets to skip each time it is fetching tweets from the database. While the limit input will be used to tell Waterline the maximum number of tweets to return for each query.

  2. We are then using the Waterline find method to get all tweets in the database, and sorting them with the sort method so we get the newest tweets first(we are assuming the Tweet model has a createdAt attribute) and then passing down inputs.skip and inputs.limit to Waterline’s skip and limit methods respectively.

  3. Finally, we are constructing a payload and then returning it as the APIs response using exits.success.

So for a client that wants tweets, it will start by sending a GET request to the endpoint sending both skip and limit as query parameters. The first time it makes the request, it will start off with the skip parameter being set to 0 and subsequent requests will add the value of the limit to the current value of skip like so:

// First page
skip = 0
limit = 10

// Second page
skip = 0 + 10 = 10
limit = 10

// Third page
skip = 10 + 10 = 20
limit = 10

// Fourth page
skip = 20 + 10 = 30
limit = 10

Method 2 - Allow the API determine the page size

In this method, we hand over the responsibility of determining how many records will be returned per page to the client allowing the client to just ask for pages and not to worry about the size of each page.

So for this method, the client wil trust the API for the page size and just send the page number each time it wants a page.

Here is the implementation:

// api/controllers/tweet/get-tweets.js
module.exports = {
  friendlyName: "Get Tweets",

  description: "Returns all tweets",

  inputs: {
    page: {
      type: "number",
      description: "Indicate the page of tweets to be returned",
      required: true,
  exits: {
    success: {
      statusCode: 200,
  fn: async(inputs, exits) {
      // This value is same as inputs.limit in Method 1
      const PAGE_SIZE = 10

      // For example, for page 1 the skip is (1 - 1) * 20 = 0.
      // This will pass a skip of 0 to waterline telling it not to skip any posts.
      const skip = ( - 1) * PAGE_SIZE

      const tweets = await Tweet.find()
        .sort([{createdAt: 'DESC'}])

         const payload = {
            data: {

        return exits.success(payload)

Again, lets go over what we are doing here:

  1. In this method we are only expecting on input page this value should start at one and be incremented by one each time the client wants the next page.

  2. We are setting a constant PAGE_SIZE to 20 which will serve as the value passed to Waterline’s limit method to determine the maximum posts returned per each page.

  3. We are figuring out the value to be passed to the skip method by subracting one from the value specified as the page number and then multiplying it by the total page size. Doing this make sure we skip the correct amount of posts for each page.

  4. Finally, we are constructing a payload and then returning it as the APIs response using exits.success.

Do note for each implementation we are zooming in on the minimum amount of code the implementation needs. So we are deliberating ignoring error-handling and other logic you might want to do that is specific to your use case.

Best practices

Now that you have seen in general the two ways you might want to implement pagination on your APIs let’s look at some best practices.

Do not paginate on the code-level

What this means is that don’t use methods like splice() in JavaScript to paginate as this defeats the purpose of pagination. The reasoning here is, you are still going to be making that expensive query that will return 50,00 records from the database. So pagination should always be done at the database level.

Always apply skip first before limit

A frequent error when paginating is to apply limit before skip this will produce erroneous results as in the case when you want the limit to be 30 and you want to skip 20, if you apply the limit first, you will only get 10 records back.

Use the sort method for better pagination results

Based on your use case, you might want to sort the results coming back using some filters. For example in our get-tweets action, we want to return all tweets starting from the latest. So we applied .sort([{createdAt: 'DESC'}])

Send the count of total pages and document

Whenever possible send the count of the total number of pages and also the total number of data in the dataset. This will allow the client build out some fun pagination buttons and UIs like identifying the current page, showing how many data are in the dataset(think Google search query) or how many pages the user have to look at.


Pagination is a tool you will want to keep in your arsenal as it is frequently requested for when you have a lot of data to be returned from an API. This article shows two methods of implementing pagination in Sails and also we discussed some best practices to keep in mind when doing pagination in your Sails API.

It is also worthy of note that these techniques are not unique to Sails, you can apply it to whatever framework or language or ORM you are using(Just strip down the implementation to its fundamentals ignoring the Sails-centric parts)