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Boring Stack 0.2.0

Kelvin Omereshone

In this Boring Stack release, Inertia responses and redirects are now handled by custom reponses and actions2 exits.

By deprecating sails.inertia.render and sails.inertia.location in favor of having the inertia response and redirect in api/responses, this relealse also solves this issue.

Custom responses

I have wanted for a long time to be able to send back Inertia responses like this:

module.exports = {
  friendlyName: 'Home',

  description: 'Home index.',

  inputs: {},

  exits: {
    success: {
      responseType: 'inertia'

  fn: async function () {
    return { page: 'index' }

But my first attempt at it wasn’t successful, so the obvious choice was the non-Sails way of sails.inertia.render.

Since this method was implemented in the Inertia middleware of sails-inertia, it wasn’t elegant and it also caused an edge case bug which crashes the Sails server when two or more clients are making unathenticated requests at the same time 😱.

❌ sails.inertia.render has been deprecated

The logic of serving an Inertia response which was handled by sails.inertia.render previously has now been replaced by a custom response in api/responses/inertia.js

❌ sails.inertia.location has been deprecated

The logic of handling an Inertia redirect which was handled by sails.inertia.location previously has now been replaced by a custom response in api/responses/inertiaRedirect.js

inertia-sails 0.2.0

inertia-sails 0.2.0 deprecated and removed sails.inertia.location and sails.inertia.render And as stated above, those two methods are replaced by the following custom responses:

  • inertia - Handles Inertia requests
  • inertiaRedirect - Handles Inertia redirects

The middleware is now lightweight as it just set the shared props, validation errors, and flash messages.

See the full changelog on GitHub.

✅ Upgrading

To upgrade to 0.2.0, do the following

Install the latest version of inertia-sails

npm i inertia-sails@latest

Copy inertia and inertiaRedirect responses

Head over to mellow-vue template and copy the inertia and inertiaRedirect custom responses into your api/responses/ folder.

Replace calls to render() with custom responses

So if you have an action like this:

module.exports = {
  friendlyName: 'Home',

  description: 'Home index.',

  inputs: {},

  exits: {
    success: {}

  fn: async function () {
    return sails.inertia.render('index', { bestFramework: 'Sails'})

You will update it to this:

module.exports = {
  friendlyName: 'Home',

  description: 'Home index.',

  inputs: {},

  exits: {
    success: {
      responseType: 'inertia'

  fn: async function () {
    return { page: 'index', props: { bestFramework: 'Sails'} }

Do note the responseType: 'inertia'

And that’s it! I am confident that with this release and the earlier announced 0.1.3 release, The Boring JavaScript is closer to checking all the boxes of being the best way to build amazing web software with JavaScript across the stack.

P.S: If you haven’t starred the project yet, please I’d appreciate if you give it a star ⭐️ on GitHub.