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Announcing the lead maintainer of Sails

Kelvin Omereshone

It was a great Day 1 of Sailsconf 2023, with an amazing keynote by the creator of Sails and BDFL, Mike McNeil.

His keynote - Sails at scale - is power-packed with in-depth information on how to scale a Sails application. Do check out Mike’s keynote and the other talks at Sailsconf 2023.

Mike’s announcement

For days leading to Mike’s keynote, there have been teasers about an announcement to the Sails community and even the broader JavaScript ecosystem.

Here is the announcement: I am now the lead maintainer for the Sails framework 🎉

You can watch the announcement on Mike’s keynote

When I discovered Sails some 5 years ago, I’ve fascinated about being able to contribute significantly to the Sails framework as a maintainer and thanks to this new responsibility as the lead maintainer of the framework, I will be able to do just that.

I am grateful for the trust by Mike to let me step up to this role and I look forward to great things coming out of the Sails ecosytem soonest.

What this means for community

Mike will always be the BDFL of Sails, and I will be able to contribute more to the Sails core, docs and other features like Shipwright to improve developer experience on the framework.

When I say BDFL, I mean Benevolent Dictator For Life and what this means is that Mike still have a continued involvement and daily use of the framework (both him and the teams he works with use Sails)

Mike also emphasizes that Sails is the best way he knows how to produce apps and will still be involved with every Pull Request that makes it into the framework.

Alongside myself and Mike’s involvement, Eric Shaw will continue on the core team as community manager, addressing new activity on issues and vulnerabilities. Eric has been doing an amazing job at this for the past 3 years and I say, you rock Eric 🙌🏾

All hands on deck!

A core principle of the Sails framework is to be stable for all developers using it. This will be ephasized as we continue to evolve Sails.

The Sails community is quite important to me and with this new role, I look forward to growing and nurturing the community some more.

It will take all of us - the community - to iterate on making Sails better for all of us and other developers that will be adopting the framework.

So yes fellow sailors, it’s all hands on deck and let’s keep sailing!

Happy Sailsconf.